We are Psyched! Radio

Psyched! Radio SF is an independent 501c3 non profit DIY radio station located in San Francisco, California, founded by a diverse group of music lovers.

Based in San Francisco, Psyched! Radio produces live shows, DJ nights, films music videos, live performances, and short films.

Everything we do at Psyched! Radio SF is made possible through the support of our local community, individual donors, volunteers, local venues, and businesses.

If you are interested in making a personal contribution to this new group of multiracial creatives, please visit the Donate page.

Psyched! Radio SF board of directors

Guillermo Goyri

Programming Director
Booking Director
Psyched! Records Director
Psyched! Films Director

Janelle Viera

Promos Director

Veronica Palmer

Music Director

Alberto Salazar

Fundraising Director
Street Team Director

Whitney Hall

Merch Director

Olive Black

Hospitality Director

Carlos Domenech

Web Department

Eber Bravo

Psyched! Films Director

Aliah Gaotete

Psyched! Records Director